ploughing through the ploughing (championships) 2013

ploughing through the ploughing (championships) 2013

 Fri, 27th Sep, 2013

There wasn't too much mucking about this year at the ploughing championship. Weather behaved well and let us all leave off the wellies. Mind you, some people wore them anyway and must have had the smelliest feet by the end of the day because the heat was tremendous.


As predicted, everyone was in "just looking mode" but that was ok because we didn't expect anyone to be heading back to their cars, miles away, with one of our big mirrors under their arms. We were there to hand out some business cards and brochures of our work to anyone who showed an interest in what we do. And there were lots of those type of people. We had the "WOW" piece up which is a round 25" mirror and one of our moon clocks beside it so it looked like the moon and sun (kind of). And we had our pendulum clocks up with the swing swinging away, non stop so that was also eye catching. Also on exhibit were some of our smaller clocks but nonetheless impressive for their perfection attention to detail. It was, all in all, a good show. Photos will follow!!